End-hole ion source and thin film ellipsometry. [V. Shushenatchev]
Axial distribution of ion current for end-hole source with refrigerated magnet system outside the vacuum chamber and magnetic accompanation is obtained. Argon is used. Maximal current density is 48 mA/cm2 at 5.5 cm source distance and 5*10-4 torr pressure. Faraday cylinder probe is used as a probe for current measuring. Energy of beam ions is 100 eV. Results of thin film ellipsometry (C2H5OH is used) are presented. Thin films are deposited at several magnet field values in surface region. Si (111) crystals are used as a substrate.
Synthesis and examination by combinational light scattering method of films, produced by ion-ray deposition.
[A.Obrazovsky, I.Plotnikov]
Axial distribution of ion current for end-hole source with refrigerated magnet system outside the vacuum chamber and magnetic accompanation is obtained. Argon is used. Maximal current density is 48 mA/cm2 at 5.5 cm source distance and 5*10-4 torr pressure. Faraday cylinder probe is used as a probe for current measuring. Energy of beam ions is 100 eV. Results of thin film ellipsometry (C2H5OH is used) are presented. Thin films are deposited at several magnet field values in surface region. Si (111) crystals are used as a substrate.