Ion source with cylindrical beam focusing for beam-surface interaction nature examination. [A. Matsko]
A scheme of ion source based on the azimuth drift accelerator, which provides cylindrical beam focusing with area compression about 2 for 5-10 keV ion energies is proposed in weak space charge influence supposition. For several electric and magnetic fields and accelerating anode-cathode range system geometries argon ion trajectories are calculated. Influence of ionization region position on beam compression and ion energy is examined. Computer calculations are accomplished using SAM-2D modeling program (INP SB RAS). The source is created for surface sputtering and can be interesting for specialists in ion beam formation physics.
An examination of ion beam source based on electron drift accelerator. Space distribution of current density.
[I.A. Plotnikov]
Angle dependent of ion beam current density at several source distances is presented. Maximal current density (150 mA/cm2 ) is obtained at 2.5 cm range. Source parameters are the follows: ion beam ring
diameter is 3cm, ring width is 0.4 cm, ionizing channel length is 0.5 cm, discharge voltage is 600-700 V. Faraday cylinder probe is used for ion current measurements. Angular and pressure measurement errors are 30 and 40 %, correspondingly. Positive charged ion motion is calculated using SAM program (INP SB RAS). Calculations coincide with experimental data: beam focusing at source axe is observed at maximal current range. The source is used for ion beam forming physics researches and thin film sputtering from gas phase.
Hall ion source.
Range distribution of ion current for end-hole ion source with refrigerated magnet system outside the vacuum chamber is obtained. Argon is used for experiment. Maximal ion current density is 202 mA/cm2 at 8 cm distance and 10-3 torr pressure. Faraday cylinder probe is used for current measuring.
Ion energy is 70-100 eV.