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Physics Department Novosibirsk State University |
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About training of the under-graduate students on experimental physics in NSU |
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Contents:Part #1. Introduction. The main purposes and problems of physics education. (much briefly).About importance of development of physical thinking. Part #2. The Particularity of development of physics education in Russia today. Part #3. Experimental Physics Education for the students at Physics Department of Novosibirsk State University. Part #4. Science activity of the younger students in the Laboratory of Experimental Physics. |
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Abstract (for paper)
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The features of the development of physics education in Russia today.Abstract
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1. In January, 1963 The Physical and Mathematical school attached to Novosibirsk state university began to work. The main reason of its creation was the comprehension of necessity for special preparation of the school students selected on abilities to mathematics and natural sciences. Prof. Lavrentiev, the founder of a centre of science spoke, that a takeoff in sports went from the early childhood. He told , that universities graduated thousands of mathematicians and physicists, but in reality only small number of them became professionals. If to increase the output in 10 times, and the school would justify itself. Lavrentiev together with professors Liapunov and Capisa (the Nobel winner) published paper with idea of takeoff of the talented school students in science and preparations them in special schools attached to universities. The idea was supported in Moscow. It was offered to organize several levels of takeoff, starting from open correspondence round and finishing by summer school with entrance examination to PMS. Soon the first competition was carried out, and the first teachers were invited, mainly the scientific employees of SD of AS. It was the 1963. Later schools like PMS were organized attached to Moscow university, Leningrad university etc. Important requirement for the teachers of such schools was working at scientific institute. The teacher should be the working scientist. Now the competitions on physics, mathematician, biology and other subjects are be carried out in Russia by different universities every year. At first the correspondence competition is carried out, in which every school student can take part. The manuals and tasks are sent to everyone. A student has to solve the tasks and to send the solutions in school. In the spring the teachers visit different cities of Russia for holding the selecting competitions. The school students, passed them, are invited to Summer School attached to University. At School the lectures about the most interesting scientific facts are red, the schoolboys visit institutes of scientific centre. Teachers carry out occupation on scientific directions, which were selected by students themselves, organize sports competitions, dances . At school students intensively work and rest. At the end of the school the examination take place . The best students are enlisted to PMS attached to NSU. From September the First they start to transit intensive educational courses. As a matter of fact, the rate of their education is the same what the students of university have. Occupations, offsets, examinations, rest. The employees of institutes carry out special facultative courses at school. The school students visit scientific laboratories of a centre of science. At this time many of them form these scientific interests . After graduating from school the entrance examinations to NSU follow. The school students act pass entrance exams on the common basis. The students of PMS have unique possibilities to develop the abilities. The creating of conditions for development and manifestation of abilities of children is the main care of the teachers of the school. The physical and mathematical school is one of the main prides of Academic town. The school students have unique possibility study science from a school bench. Physical thinking as a basis of scientific outlook here starts to be shaped. It is possible to tell, that PMS is the first courses of university. But there are problems also. Children during study at PMS children are separated from the parents, and it plots particular damage to their development .Now in Russia the similar specialized schools in cities are organized, where there is a possibility for schoolboys to gain the profound knowledge of different educational programs. In this case schoolboys do not have necessity to leave from houses. This is promoted also by the Internet, which is promptly spreading in Russia. But such schools can not compete with PMS attached to NSU. No school in Russia has such possibilities. In acting of school teachers of NSU and the members of the Academy of Sciences, who carefully concerns about PMS take part. The specifics of PMS consist in tight cooperation of the school students and teachers, who live near to them in Academic town. It is the important component of success of the school. 2. And now some words about international cooperation. The integration of scientific groups with foreign universities is, perhaps, most strong and positive tendency in modern Russia. The international projects promote successful solution of many scientific tasks. The developed countries do it for a long time and rather easily thanks to the financial possibilities. Russia possessing a strong potential in science and education, fast adapts to new conditions of the market economics. On the initial stage of development Russia is forced, mainly, to sell the intellectual possibilities to different areas. Many scientists perform the job on the contracts with other countries. We offer today our educational technologies and we consider, that it will be useful, first of all, for partners. The Novosibirsk scientific center and NSU is visited now by many delegations. In Novosibirsk the consulates are opened. There is a search of share interests. Recently the Rector of NSU participated in the opening of the new consulate of Germany. The ambassador of France in Russia and the representatives of business circles have visited NSU. The meeting with the students and teachers was held. In June the major delegation of the experts from Japan has visited the scientific centre and NSU. The Japanese students at humanitarian faculty of NSU have already studied. They have created the Japanese club at the University. the Japanese house opened in the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. The Institute actively cooperates with University ’®shoky of Cinday. The big group of the students of Southern Korea will arrive soon to study at NSU. But, despite of it, the educational cooperation lags behind scientific cooperation. And it is understandable. The educational cooperation will be more effective, if the basis for it will be scientific cooperation. In this case students can participate in the share scientific projects, and their study will be more effective. It is necessary, that the students can see the perspectives. The level of higher education at Physical Faculty of NSU is praised all over the world. The graduates of faculty work at carrying on researches in scientific centres located from Australia up to Canada and from USA up to Japan. That fact testifies to excellence of training, that our students from year to year gain the greatest number of the grants in Russian Federation and Soros Foundation (USA). Each year graduates of faculty, students and post-graduate students go in foreign countries to read the lectures, to carry out share researches or to prolong training The program of year training of the Master Degree Students in foreign scientific centres is unrolled at faculty. The special advantage of the graduate students of Physical Department is, that in addition to a wide outlook they gain experience of solution of the concrete new scientific and technical task in some of enough narrow and deep area of researches for a long time in scientific laboratories. Such experience guarantees successful adapting to varying market .Last years the graduate students of Physical Department was oriented and on employment outside of walls of research and development institutes of a Novosibirsk Scientific Sentre . That mirrors worldwide tendency, when the scientific employees go in corporations developing new technologies. In 2000 the contract between NSU and TIT was done about cooperation on the fields of science and education. Two strong partners always will discover common interests. This is the known rule. NSU has unique educational technologies, which allow it to hold advanced positions in the Russian educational system. In many respects it is explained by its unity with a scientific centre. Frequently it is not understandable: either university is attached to The Scientific Centre of The Centre is attached to the University. It also underlines our unity. The graduates of NSU are in demand for foreign scientific laboratories. It is clear, that the educational technologies are pride of NSU and its richness. I am sure ,that the same words can be said about TIT. During the Prof. Yasushi Watanabe, s visiting to NSU we have discussed a subject of interaction of our universities in the field of physics education of the students of first courses. It concerned the training of the students first - third courses in laboratory of experimental physics, where the students carry out the first researches from the beginning the second semester. We would show the educational process. For example, within the framework of summer school the Japanese students would be able to make share researches on physics of a discharge through gases, research of ionic bundles in vacuum, molecular physics, to solve other tasks and to publish the share report on the experiments. For fixing success the group of the students of our university would be able to visit the Japanese universities and carry out researches with new group of the students on equipment, which can be reduced from Russia. It can be the interesting perspective project. Other variants are possible also. It can be considered. feature of the given project that the customer can be the Japanese universities. |
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Experimental Physics Education for the students at Physics Department of Novosibirsk State University (NSU).Abstract
![]() The feature of physics education at NSU on the field of experimental physics When we speak about features, first we should compare what we speak about. In this case we should compare the ways of training of experimental physics to methods of other Russian universities. It is a delicate problem. Therefore there is no better simple, than to tell about our technology of teaching. However it will be not possible to eliminate matching completely. It is important that the University educate the physicists-contributors. Therefore, the program of preparation is determined corresponding to it condition. Not many universities in a world are oriented on such purpose. Many universities give common, basic knowledge without an emphasis on further activity. Our university is strictly oriented on preparation of the professional contributors. To show, as our system differs from others, I shall tell you a case, which was in Moscow on conference " a Modern physical practical work at universities of Russia ". I appeared with the reports on a technique of execution of course operations by the students of low courses. The common principles of a method were explained and the examples of the fulfilled operations are reduced. Especially I have stopped on personal involvement of the students in execution of resea, had offered to arrange the same conference for us. But our financial possibilities have not allowed to realize this schedule. Then I have created the electronic magazine, in which the information on the technology of execution of course operations and achievement of the students represented. Now it became easier to represent outcomes of our students. It is visible, in what our educational technologies differ from what other universities have. Probably, it is result of ours geographical location. In our Academic town everything is subordinated to scientific interests. It affects our students also. They simply do not understand, that it is possible to be engaged in something, except of science. It, probably, the problem of our locating. It is necessary to tell, that in the basis of educational technologies of NSU are put methods of famous Moscow institute of physics and technology. This year 40 years to our faculty are executed. All this time the included methods not only are used, but also are explicated. Certainly, the educational technologies were used by others, first of all, by Moscow and Leningrad universities. At our university the representatives of different educational schools work, therefore many universities take part in the development of NSU. But the main composition of the teachers are the graduates of NSU. The main feature of preparation of the students of Physical Department for operation on the field of fundamental science and new technologies consists that the students are immersed in scientific research from the first courses. It is possible to tell, that they are thrown in water stream. They study to float together with the scientific employees. There is an expression in Nuclear Physics Institute: " Saving of drawing man is a task for the drawing man ". It is a rigid principle. But the life is based on it. How does education of physics in NSU begin? The lectures " Introduction to engineering of physical experiment " start from September the First. The brief contents of course represented in the Internet. In the same time the students study experimental course " Methods of physical measurements ". In the second semester they begin to study course " Experimental molecular physics "; in the third semester - " Electricity and magnetism " and "Radioelectronics". In the fourth semester they study " Physical optics "; in fifth - " Atomic physics " and " Automation of physical measurements ". The titles of laboratory operations are represented in the Internet. I want to tell about those practical works, which I conduct: " The methods of physical measurements " and " Experimental molecular physics ". In time of the practical works students make 9-10 laboratory operations, each for 4 hours long (without interruption) during 16 weeks. It is possible to make smaller amount of operations, but also the mark will be lower. The student fulfils the first operation so much time, how many it is necessary, but that time is no more than month. It is explained by different level of knowledge of the students. You do not have to hurry the students, when it is difficult, but interesting. One operation is made out on the computer as the scientific report with using of computer processing of outcomes. For this work they get credits for computer science. To get this credit the students study separate special course: introduction to information technologies. There they make out operation. Each operation has the precisely particular purpose and tasks, which are necessary to solve. Before making an operation the teacher can ask to the student the questions on a subject of forthcoming research and to appraise preliminary knowledge. He can not to accept the student to operation, if he has not got ready. Each experimental operation represents the research, which can be advanced by student himself. The tuitor pays attention of the student to the feature of experiment and sets to the student many problems in the process of its executing. The tuitor helps to find the answers to problems. The student writes the brief report on operation and argues it with the teacher. They can hand in two - three works (no more) simultaneously . The requirements to the students in each group are identical. The purpose of this experimental course is to learn the students to work with instruments, to carry out measurements, to work out the outcomes, and to represent them as the report. The development of interest to research work is the main task. If there would be an interest there success would be also. But working out of 10 laboratory operations is a very difficult task. The students frequently say, that they have not enough time for deep studing of an appearance. During laboratory works I offer my students to study one operation more deeply than others. Such operation I would term favorite. Usually students themselves ask me about. They say, that they would like to study one of the laboratory works more deeply, that they have noted interesting physical effect, but there is no time for its detailed researching. For solving this problem I organized the new direction of laboratory works where the students were submitted with possibility to study any physical appearance in laboratory operation in more detailed way and to consider it as to the favorite field for future researches. Therefore I have termed such laboratory operations "favorite". Subject for such operation the student gains on the first occupation. It is one of mandatory works . On each subsequent occupation or in free time I am interested how the business advances. What new has been learned or found. Interesting, that scientific laboratories act in the same way. If the student sets to me a problem outside of ranks of occupations, I necessarily give time for arguing and I consider, that the business goes well. It is necessary to pay attention to students interesting circumstances, the features of an appearance or techniques of research. The favorite laboratory work gradually becomes to the student close and understandable. There is a good expression: we like what we understand. In my opinion, it well approaches to the given case. At the end of a semester the students protect favorite laboratory operation at a special seminar. Why such approach to training is useful? The majority of the students enroll in universities to be engaged in favorite operation in the future. If it is so, it is necessary to submit them the possibility to move to the purpose since the first day. The student should have favorite field for research. At any rate, such possibility should be submitted to him. For the student of the first course the study is the main care. If to give to the student to study more deeply one laboratory operation or the part of it in the first semester, he would feel, that he is engaged in what he has came for in University. As a result, my students initiate independent research mach earlier than others. What the favorite laboratory work can give to the student? In my opinion such operation enables the student to find out, as he acquires the course of experimental physics. It is very important for the students. The favorite operation enables the student to exhibit himself as physicist, as contributor. The favorite operation is a preparation for course of laboratory works, which attend with our students for five semesters. As we converse about favorite operation rather frequently, the atmosphere of interest is created. It boosts main occupations. Whether all students of group fulfill favorite operations? Usually not. If the student has not time to fulfill the educational program, I do not advise him to take additional load. Such operations are not stipulated by the educational schedule. The student can refuse and it will not affect in any way his or her marks. It is for those who wants and can. How do the students hand the laboratory operations in? For the students I have developed the form of the report conterminous to the form of the report for scientific conference. As our university plots future contributors, it will be useful to learn how to represent the outcomes, to make them from the first occupation. The student hand in the brief reports to the tuitor. The tuitor has a possibility to compare this outcomes to data obtained by other students. It is very useful, as the students should fill the responsibility for the outcomes. On the other hand it is interesting for the student, as it become possible for other student to receive better outcomes. Such approach coincides with actual operation in scientific laboratory. Each contributor parses the obtained outcomes with known data. The matching with tabular data is necessary. What is the technology of protection of the laboratory works? Giving the report the student states the purpose of operation, enumerates all jobs for execution. The student is offered to formulate the purpose in other words. It is important, that the student form the integral understanding about operation. Then the student illustrates the technique of research. It is important to understand, how the outcome will be reached. The student represents the scheme of the experiment, illustrates the working of each element and explain the actions he have made. The performance of the results of the work is the central part of the report. The introduced figures both tables and errors of measurements are considered. The arguing of outcomes is a body. The students explain those discoveries. Theoretical models are compared to the obtained data. At the end of the report the student states outputs: he displays, what he found during research work. Frequently students work with the references. It is important to take an interest with what literature the student have worked. It seems to me, that during execution of operation it is necessary to pay special attention to ability of the students to set problems to each operation. When the students hand the operation in, I offer the game. We set problems on a subject of research by turns. The outcome appears at the time of the offset, when the students hand in favorite laboratory works. Such seminar reminds a seminar in scientific laboratory, where the acute questions are always appreciated. I have remembered the seminar, on which the students on last occupation have set so much problems to the reporter, that he was strongly detuned and had told, that he would put himself the worst mark .He had understood that he could do much more than were done. The students convinced him, that he has carried out excellent research, and I considered, that the seminar had managed. I was sure, that the semester for the students has passed successfully. The research works of the students. What distinguishes our university from many others? First of all it is the early including of the students into research activity. This idea underlies all educational process at all faculties from the date of the founding of NSU. It is checked by time and has shown its efficiency. One of the strongest educational programs is the course of research works. The students make them, since the first course. This part of the educational process, is a marker which define the orientation of the students during study at University. We know, that the students of primary (1-3) courses who participate in scientific work, more effectively realized perceive programs of common and theoretical physics. Such students are much better prepared for study on base (issuing) faculties and to research activity in institutes of The Academy of Sciences. The technology of writing of course papers represented in the Internet and the library of NSU. During the study the students fulfill five course laboratory works: on a molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic physics and automation of experiment. The purpose of such Program to boost a level of the educational process at NSU: to reveal scientific interests of the students and to create conditions, at which the student can study, obeying the creative interests. With the best reports the students appear on scientific conferences of Physical Department, international student's conferences (ISSC) and other scientific forums. The course laboratory work is a mandatory part of the educational schedule and it is also total operation at learning appropriate course of common physics in each semester (from 2nd till 5th semesters). By the course operation the student demonstrates progressing in understanding of a technique of scientific research, ability to make scientific researches, skills to parse, to make out the report and to represent the obtained outcomes to scientific community The purpose of course laboratory work is developing of the students skills of independent creative operation, mastering by methods of modern researches profound learning any of a problem or unit of educational discipline (including learning of sources of the scientific information). During execution of course operation the student mast demonstrate the creative abilities. The subject of operation can be offered by the tuitor, or selected by the student independently or together with the scientific principal. It is devoted to research of the interesting remarked natural appearance or physical process, published in printing, analysis of known research techniques, measurement of physical constants, creation of measuring instruments, and so on. The choice of topics is wide, but it is necessary to argue, to justify production of research and select precisely the purpose of work. The subject of operation can be advanced in the following course works, but it is necessary to point in introduction what new is fulfilled in the given operation in comparison with the first operation. The student is obliged to consult on a subject of course operation with the tuitor of an appropriate practical work within the first weeks of a semester and upon termination of one month a subject of his laboratory work should be authorized. Each student should have his own subject which is distinct from other. The students can unite (no more than two), developing everyone the own task. It is desirable to initiate with course operation in the beginning of a semester. The student necessarily should have scientific principal matched with the teacher. The place of execution of course operation depends on interests and possibilities of the student. It can be research laboratory in institutes of a Scientific Centre , special laboratory of experimental physics or appropriate practical works (molecular etc.). The design of course operation should correspond to the common requirements. The writing of the summary is which is disposed after a banner page and does not exceed 1700 signs (international standard) is mandatory. It should be signed by the scientific principal, who confirming his involvement in operation. The file of the summary have to be presented on a diskette to the tuitor of a practical work who care f all files to the curator of a practical work. The teacher puts offset, if all requirements are fulfilled. If the scientific principal and (or) teacher present students report for competition, they write the brief guideline and sign it. The protection of course operations happens at a seminar as a reporting, within approximately 10 minutes. Some reports can last for about 40 minutes. It depends on interest to the report. Each student hand in the teacher his own course work. The students get the marks which mirrors a level of understanding of the fulfilled operation and criterion (requirement) showed to course work, including design. Among the students of each group competition of the reports transits, and best of the each group is recommended for student's conference of physical faculty, which transits in the spring and autumn. The conference is a total part of the Program of execution of course research operations on practical works. The students can present on conference reports discussing one or two course operations (no more), integrated with general purposes and fulfilled jointly. About student's scientific conferences. The student's scientific conferences complete the program of training of appropriate course of experimental physics. The curators together with the teachers select approximately ten reports on each practical work for presenting. The conference transits by rules of international conferences: the report, problems, arguing. The jury considers reports and arranges the best by diplomas. In the autumn (end of September) the conference on a molecular physics and optics goes, and spring (beginning of March) - on an electricity and atomic physics transits. The students think, that "... The conferences give much: they help more deeply to understand theoretical courses of physics... To state the entity of a problem ... A benevolent competition to the friends - colleagues... To defend own opinion ... All of us will come somewhere at one time to appear and to represent the schedules or projects... ". Really, for 10-15 minutes uneasy to tell about operation, which was fulfilled for weeks or for all semester. The friends ask the conference is useful not only for the students who make the reports. There are a lot of things to listen and to learn.... Especially it is useful for the students of the first course, for who doing laboratory work is a future task, and to find out a level of operations and technique of researches is useful to know earlier. Everyone will appear necessarily and this should be studied today not putting aside. The conference is the strict examination, but benevolent. The conference is a place where everyone benefits " In the spring, in April at university the annual international student's conference " the Student and scientific and technical advance " takes place. A usual amount of the participants is more than 1000 people. This is one of the major events at University. The lectures for the students of low courses on modern problems of physics The lectures for the students of primary courses on modern problems of physics can be considered as a important part of physics education. The known professors of The Scientific Centre, the directors of institutes read the lectures about the latest events in science, about life in institutes and respond on problems of the students. The purpose of the lectures - Help to the students of Physical Department in choice of a direction of the future scientific work. It is the main purpose of lectures. For holding the lectures the principals of research institutes and the scientific employees operating in new areas of fundamental and applied physics of The Scientific Centre of science are invited;. The lectures promotes:
Five occasions for holding and visiting of the lectures:
The first outcomes Prof. Aseev, the director of Institute of Physics of Semiconductors (IPS) of Siberian Department, has appeared first with the lecture " Modern problems and achievements of physics of semiconductors ". After the lecture we considered outcomes and have decided, that it is necessarily to carry out the lectures about the quantum computer. The students liked the lecture because: their problems were actual and interesting. The Prof. of Faculties of physics of semiconductors Dvyrechensky, has read the lecture " About quantum points " - new and perspective scientific direction, which promises also new possibilities in creation of new engineering and development of information technologies. Prof. Seredniakov has made the report about the latest achievements of the most fundamental science. It was strict presentation of a modern status of knowledge about a substance models its of development, and processes in the Universe. Prof. Scrinsky, the director of The Institute of Nuclear Physics gave the report about modern achievements and problems of a high-energy physics. The lecture of Prof. Fomin, director of The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, was devoted to modern problems of an aerophysics and is dated to 40 years term of flight of the man to the space. The electronic journal " Physics and students " The electronic journal " Physics and students " was created for the help to the low students. The magazine contains the information on the technology of holding of scientific research, about course operations of the students, about Student's scientific conferences, about the lectures for the students of low courses on modern problems of physics. |
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Science activity of the younger students at Laboratory of experimental physics.Abstract
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Webmasters (students of Physics Departmens): Postnikov Sergel and Suslov Sergey |