On the course papers at General Physics Chair laboratory courses.
- It is known from our experience, that first-year students , which take participation in science work more effectively and consciously understand general and theoretical physics courses. A special course research paper accomplishing program at all physical laboratory courses of NSU is based on this idea. During the education students accomplish four course papers: on molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics and atomic physics. The aim of the program is to improve education process level and find out science interests of the students. Best papers take participation in scientific conferences. Course paper is the obligatory part of educational plan and total work at general physics studying in each term. We should say, that students continue course paper accomplishing at educational chairs.
The aim of course paper is to develop independent creating work; modern research method exploring, detailed learning of theme or part of educational subject (including science source studying).
The problems, which have been solved during course paper accomplishing at NSU physical faculty are the follows:
- To get students knowledge of science research method principles.
- To teach students to present work results.
- To give students opportunity to show their creating abilities.
- The theme of course paper is frequently close to the theme of laboratory course. It is desirable, but not obligatory. The theme can be proposed by teacher, chosen by student independently or together with chief. It can be devoted to interesting observed natural phenomena examination or physical process described in literature, certain research method analysis, physical constant measuring, measuring device creating, etc. There are a lot of themes, but it is obligatory to argue theme choice and emphasize the aim of work. The theme of the paper can be developed in next paper, but one should point out new researches in this theme in paper introduction
We require to consult on course paper theme with laboratory course teacher in first weeks of the term and affirm the theme in the end of month. Each student must have independent theme. Students can unite together, but each student must explore his own problem. It is desirable to start working in first week of the term. Student must have chief accorded with teacher.
The place , where course paper can be accomplished depends on student interests and abilities. It can be research laboratory in Akademgorodok institute, special Physical Experiment Laboratory facultative at General Physics Chair unstandard laboratory course or laboratory course (molecular, etc).
Course paper should be written according to requirements, described in [1]. Composition of abstract, which is placed next to title and consists of less than 1700 symbols (one third of page) is obligatory. Student's chief should confirm his participation in work signing the abstract. The abstract should be presented as a file to teacher. All files are presented to laboratory course curator. If all the requirements are satisfied, teacher credits the student. If the paper is recommended to competition by chief and (or) teacher, they compose short recommendation and sign it.
Course papers are passed during the seminar as a report (about 10 minutes). Each student present to teacher his own course paper. Student get mark, which reflects his understanding level and requirements to paper. All students of each academic group take part in paper competition, and the best of papers are recommended to student conference of physical faculty, which is held in spring and autumn. Students can present to conference work, which is consists of two course papers with the same purpose and accomplished together.
Course paper accomplishing shows, that students, which started to work on the paper in the end of the term, had not enough time for successful work accomplishing. They are not satisfied by result, they got bad mark and regret about wasted time.
Unstandard laboratory course.
The laboratory course is created in 1983. It based on Physical Experiment Laboratory (PEL) (NSU main building, room 141) , where special facultative physics courses are held. The aim of laboratory course is to give first year students opportunity for science researches in first years of education. The course is intended for course paper accomplishing. Facultative themes and their number can be different in each year. Classes time and place are indicated in time-table of PEL, which is opened from 2 until 9 p.m. in week-days except examinational sessions. All students of physical faculty can work independently at this time. Engineers and laborants of PEL always can help students. During the first classes of measuring and molecular laboratory courses teachers briefly show PEL to students.
- Facultative course "Physics of gas discharge". Chief: Ph.D. A.S.Zolkin.
- Facultative course "Laser radiation interaction with matter". Chief: senior scientist A.A.Doroshkin.
- Facultative course "Charged particle accelerator physics". Chief: Ph.D. A.S.Zolkin.
- Facultative course "High-temperature superconductivity". Chief: Ph.D. L.L.Makarshin.
- Facultative course "Thin films in electronics". Chief: Head of PEL S.S.Koptelov.
- Facultative course "Impulse plasma". Chief: Ph.D. V.N.Postupaev.
- Facultative course "Physical electronics". Chief: Ph.D. V.Ya.Savkin.
- Facultative course "Molecular physics". Chief: Ph.D. A.S.Zolkin.
- Zolkin A.S. What should be known for course paper composition.
- Zolkin A.S. How to compose course paper abstract.
- Unstandard laboratory course. General description.