The subjects of course scientific research works in molecular physics for the
second-semester students
1. A pulse tube study of the dependence of the sound speed in acetone vapor
on the vapor saturation.
2. Thermal capillary convection in alcohol at the linear temperature gradient.
4. The Joule-Thomson effect in CO2 gas
8. The dependence of magnetic field energy accumulated in a solenoid coiled over a
core with a slit upon the electric current through the solenoid and the slit width.
14. The dependence of electric current between the electrodes in gas discharge space
on the gas pressure.
16. Determination of activation energy for glycerol self-diffusion by the viscous
18. Measurement of heat capacity of the tungsten thread by means of pulse heating.
19. Determination of the viscosity of the gases N2,
CO2, He, and air, with a capillary viscosimeter; more
precise determination of the capillary radius.
22. Investigation of the character of water flowing around a body depending on the
Frude and Reynolds numbers.
23. Methods of treatment of the experimental results when working in a dynamic
26. Air humidity determination by means of measuring the electric current between the
plates in the air capacitor.
27. The study of Hagen-Poiseuille's flow in a tube and the determination of water
28. Determination of the viscosity of the air by the pendulum method.
29. The measurement of gas kinetic diameter of the air molecule from the dependence
of air heat conductivity on the pressure within the range 10-2 - 760 torr.
30. The study of the electric resistance of a superconducting film depending on the
temperature and critical current.
31. Determination of the character of the frequency dependence of electric heat
noise in a conductor.
32. A heated thread method for the measurement of heat conductivity in gases and
33. Acquaintance with the magnet discharge diode pump. Measurement of its main
34. Measurement of the interaction time of two soliton waves at the boundary of salted
water with kerosene.
35. Copper resistivity measurements within the temperature range 77 - 262 K.
36. The study of freezing point changes observed in the solutions of cyclohexane,
acetone, and saturated solution of sodium tetraborate in carbon tetrachloride depending
on the concentration of the solution.
38. The study of the transition from the laminar regime to the turbulent one in
the case of the air flowing out into the quiescent gas. Determination of the critical
Reynolds' number and the speed profile.
39. Determination of the viscosity of glycerol, ethylene glycol, olive and the
transformer oil by means of the vibration method from the vibrations damping.
43. Determination of the liquid viscosity coefficient by the method of coaxial
rotating cylinders.
51. Ion mass measurement by the method of resonance high-frequency vibrations of
the electric field in the constant magnetic field.
56. Acquaintance with the methods of surface tension measurements. Measurement of
surface tension depending on the soap concentration in water with the help of the stretch
62. Investigation of the current, shape and density of the proton beam with a sensor
on the basis of the secondary proton-electron emission.
63. Measurement of water surface tension coefficient by the break-off method
(63, 204 - plate break-off, 101 - ring break-off).
64. The studies into the dependence of coefficient of the copper atoms reflection
from the substrate at different interaction angles of the atomic beam.
65. The study of the temperature and concentration dependence of the surface tension
coefficient of aqueous glycerol solutions.
68. The study of the coefficient of external electromagnet field screening
and the screening of the critical superconductivity-destroying field by a planar
superconductor, depending on the field strength and frequency.
72a. Measurement of the coefficient of tantal sputtering by the 5 keV Ag+ ions.
74a. Determination of superconductivity critical parameters in the Josephson medium
for high-temperature superconducting ceramics.
74b. Determination of disk hydrodynamic resistance when moving in glycerol depending
on the Reynolds' number.
75. The study of resistance exhibited by the bodies of different shapes (ball, cone)
towards the air flow, by means of the ion deposition technique.
76a. Determination of the magnetic field penetration depth in the high-temperature
superconducting ceramics
76b. The study of the speed profile in the air flow with the help of the
77b. The study of the manometer intended for the measurement of the pressure within
the range 1.5 - 10 torr, and calibration of the manometer.
78. Determination of the free path length of copper atoms in the air at the reduced
pressure by means of the slit diaphragm.
79. Automation of time interval measurement when determining the glycerol viscosity
by the Stoke's method.
80b. The study of the convective flow stability in the horizontal layer of ethanol.
81b. The study of helium leak detector performance.
83b. The study of gas electric conductance depending on the pressure in the range
10-4 - 760 torr. Paschen's law.
84. Behavior of high-temperature superconducting ceramics
in magnetic fields.
85. The determination of heat conductivity coefficient for the vessel material and
measurement of water specific heat capacity.
88. The study of the Meisner-Oxenfeld effect in a superconductor with the help of
the Faraday's method.
90. Calibration of the semiconductor (TiO2) humidity
sensor. A brief review of humidity measurement methods.
91. Determination of the optimal deposition time in the experiment on measuring the
mean free path length of copper atoms in vacuum.
92. Determination of the fluctuation dimensions in the Yttrium ceramics transition
to the superconducting state from the dependence of ceramic electrical resistance on the
93a. The study of the breakdown voltage dependence on the distance between the
electrodes in kerosene.
99a. Measurement of the viscosity of aqueous glycerol solutions, depending on the
concentration and temperature, by means of the capillary viscosimeter. (274 : 20 - 30 oC).
104(a,b). Investigation of thermal transpiration (effusion) process at the
atmospheric pressure (Knudsen's effect).
108. Determination of air heat capacity through the investigation of
adiabatic-isochore-isothermal cycle.
119. Acquaintance with the methods of producing shock waves in a liquid.
The investigation of a free surface behavior.
120. The study of IR transmission through the air at a pressure within 5
10-2 - 70 torr and through water (a 5 - 15 mm thick layer).
121. Determination of the electromotive force of the voltaic element depending on
the temperature.
122. Measurement of the critical field of high-temperature supercondicting ceramics
in a variable magnetic field at the liquid nitrogen temperature with the help of vibrating
mesuring coil.
124. Measurement of relaxation characteristics of paramagnetic medium.
125. Measurement of Young's module dependence on the temperature in the range
300 - 460 K.
128. Determination of atmospheric air composition (in per cent) by freezing to the
liquid nitrogen temperature.
132. The study of the methods of metal (Cu, Ag) deposition onto the solid surface.
Thermal deposition.
137. Measurement of the critical temperature of phase transition by means of the
critical opalescence.
142. Investigation of the work function of electrons from a metal by means of the
photoelectric effect.
144. Investigation into the properties of semiconductor diodes depending on the
temperature in the range -209 - 0 C.
150. Measurement of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the sample made of the
silica-based material. The plain heat wave method.
151. Checking the Maxwell distribution of thermal electron velocities in the diode
lamp with indirect incandescence.
154. Investigation of a parametric amplification of sound at the piezoceramics.
155. Determination of copper specific heat according to the modulation technique in
the range 90 - 250 K.
156. Measurement of the air viscosity dependence on the temperature by means of the
capillary viscosimeter.
187. Determination of copper specific heat according to the modulation technique in
the range 90 - 300 K.
192. Investigation of the break-through voltage depending on the pressure in weakly
ionized air.
203. Observation of the Boltzmann distribution and determination of the Avogadro
number by Perren's method.
205. Streamlining by a laminar low-speed liquid flow. Comparison of the streamlining
around different bodies.
207. Determination of the Boltzmann constant from the voltammetry of the p-n
216. A forced spill and stability of oil drops immersed into a water film covering
the solid surface.
218. Investigation into the temperature dependence of the transistor base current
transmission coefficient.
219. The studies of the oscillations exhibited by a light plastic ball in the vessel
filled with water under the action of the falling water flow.
221. Determination of the heat conductivity of ice. Verification of the theoretical
dependence of the frozen-over ice thickness on time.
231. Dynamic calibration of the piezosensor according to the pendulum technique.
234. Investigation of the performance of a two-focused anemometer in the flow of
weakly ionized plasma.
240. Determination of the heat necessary for the isothermal increase in water
surface per a unit surface area.
241. Investigation of the piezosensor used in the work "Shock waves".
242. Determination of tungsten linear coefficient of expansion.
246. Determination of the external parameters (velocity, temperature, diameter)
of the particles captured by the plasma flow.
249. Investigation of the relaxation process in the system liquid - vapor in the
vicinity of the critical point with the help of gravitational waves at the interphase
256. Study of the structure of the molecular spectrum and determination of the
dissociation energy of a two-atom molecule.
262. The study of laminar and turbulent regimes of liquid flow in a tube. The study
of the transition process.
269. The dependence of the heat emission coefficient of a metal sample (duralumin)
during its cooling in the air on the sample shape.
276. Determination of the isobaric coefficient of glycerol volume expansion by
means of the hydrostatic method.
281. Investigation of the instabilities arising in a liquid that flows between the
rotating concentric cylinders.
283. Determination of copper atom size by means of molecular beams. A brief review
of the methods used to determine the dimensions of molecules.
284. Studies of the temperature distribution over the volume and the flows in
alcohol in the Chokhralsy set-up.
285. Measurement of the osmotic pressure and verification of van't Hoff's law for
diluted solutions.
286. Determination of the heat emission coefficient during the natural convection.
288. High-temperature superconductance registered by means of the torsion balance.
289. Preparation and study of the toroidal vortex. Creation of a set-up.
294. Auto-generator method of observing the superconductance.
296. Determination of the phase transition heat in gallium and in a peptide
according to the thermometric technique.
298. A thermocouple sensor for heat flows: calibration and use in light absorbance
309. Development of a version of the set-up for the studies of the Maxwell velocity
distribution of the molecules.
310. Studies of the gas jet. Spatial distribution of the flow in the gas jet during
its expansion in the region with the reduced pressure.
311. Dependence of the
solubility on the solution temperature.
312. Thermal analysis.
314. Investigation of heat emission from heated bodies. Determination of the
blackness degree.
317a. Investigation into the dynamics of a sprayer pulverizing water with air.
317b. Determination of the viscosity coefficient of a liquid (glycerol, oil,
ethylene glycol) by means of the vibrational viscosimeter.
327. Determination of glycerol viscosity in the range 20 - 70 oC by means of the
vibrational viscosimeter.
329. Studies of the flow of water through a tube and streamline over a cylinder.
338. Determination of the specific heat of
dissolution in water.
344. Investigation of the boiling temperature of the salt aqueous solutions and
its dependence on the concentration; estimate of the universal gas constant.
345. Measurement of tungsted heat capacity by registering the light beam from a
sample heated with the alternating current.
347. The sudy of the experimental dependence of water dielectric permeability on
the temperature.
348. Studies of the NaCl solution crystallization temperature on concentration.
349. Measurement of glycerol viscosity with the help of rotational viscosimeter
and its calibration.
352. Measurements of the recoil pressure and pulse for a laser-irradiated target.
353. The study of heat expansion of bodies.
357. Determination of the sugar dissolution heat (in water).
358. Determination of the heat of argon physical adsorption.
364. Investigation of the magnetic permeability of superconducting ceramics
on temperature and the external magnetic field.
500. Investigation into the interaction of the counter supersonic jets at the
non-calculated regime of expiration.
501. Determination of the linear dimensions of dibutyl phthalate aerosol.