Electricity and Magnetism [spring-1999]
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"Impact of superconducting state of IBa2Cu3O7-X ceramics on the pattern of oxygen molecules interaction with its surface"
Gribovckiy A., gr.7341
Makarshin L.L., scientific instructor,
Institute of Catalysis of
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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"Studying of transition processes, occurring during excitation of single-mode oscillations in the single cavity resonator"
Kirill A. Velizhanin, Ilya V. Eletskih, gr.7311
Dr. Y.D. Chernousov, scientific instructor, Institute of Catalysis of
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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"Investigation of the ion source on the basis of accelerator with azimuth drift (AAD) of electrons. Space current density distribution."
Igor A. Plotnikov, gr.7342
Dr. Aleksander S. Zolkin, scientific advisor,
associated professor of
chair of general physics of Novosibirsk State University
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"The ion source with focusing of the cylinder beam for the problem of studying the nature of beam interaction with solid surface"
Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap
Matsko A., gr.7332
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"Investigation of characteristics of the ion source of Hall's type"
Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap Wrap
Shushenachev V., gr.7331